2015년 12월 30일 수요일

[검색 형님] 검색 로봇 수집 허용

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힘들게 만든 나의 모바일 웹사이트,
네이버 검색로봇이 방문해서 수집할 수 있도록 문을 열어 주세요 :)

[웹마팁] 네이버 블로그, 카페 검색반영

[웹마팁] 네이버 블로그, 카페 검색반영?

2015.12.08. 19:28
URL 복사

네이버 웹마스터도구beta가 

그리고 많은 분들께서 관심을 가져주시며
문의도 다양하게 해주셨습니다.

그 가운데 가장 문의가 많았던 사례,
네이버 블로그, 카페도 
웹마스터도구 연동 할 수 있나요?

네이버 블로그, 카페, modoo! 등 네이버 서비스는 자동으로 사이트 검색 대상 후보가됩니다.
따라서 별도로 사이트 추가가 필요하지 않습니다.

그리고 채널로 등록해 주시면, 
등록된 사이트와의 관계를 파악하여, 
이후 검색에 반영될 예정입니다. :)

채널 추가하기
[채널] 메뉴를 선택한 다음, [채널 추가 +] 버튼을 클릭하셔서
직접 운영하시는 네이버 블로그, 카페를 등록해주세요.

이외에도 사이트 소유 확인이 불가능한
 페이스북, 트위터, 인스타그램 등 SNS계정
텀블러와 같은 마이크로 블로그도 등록하실 수 있습니다.
설치형 블로그는 사이트와 채널에 함께 등록해주세요.

 여기서 다시.

네이버 블로그, 카페, 페이스북 등 본인이 운영하고 있는 SNS의 계정별 페이지입니다.
네이버 웹마스터도구 연동을 위한 소유 확인이 불가능한 SNS 계정의 URL을 등록해주세요.

① 출처를 선택하고
② ID 또는 URL을 입력하고
③ 확인 버튼 클릭. 끝.

참 쉽죠.

등록하신 채널은 로직에 따라 노출 위치가 결정됩니다.
또한 검색 반영을 보장하지 않습니다.
볼만한 컨텐츠가 쌓이고, 많은 사람들이 찾아온다면 검색결과에서도 잘 보이겠죠?!
정공법이 답이라는.
이외에도 웹마스터도구에 대해 궁금한 사항이 있다면 도움말 또는 댓글로 남겨주세요 :)


2014년 11월 14일 금요일

Hongdae with delicious food, Budae jjigae at Hongdae BIYA

At Hongdae’s Hongdae BIYA, they specialize in Korean Budae jjigae (mixed meat and vegetable stew), and they have a wide selection. You can get Budae jjigae made from Korean pork, spam, unlimited fried unions, a variety of vegetables and much more. They also bring a beverage and unlimited French fries with affordable prices. Visit and come to see great Korean Budae jjigae with your family and friends!
Hongdae BIYA | Korean Budae jjigae Restaurants | 홍대 비야
Cost: 2,000– 5,500 won a person
1 p.m.–10 p.m.
T. 070-4107-7463
(358-19, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul | 서울시 마포구 서교동 358-19)

Hongdae with Sundae Gopchang - BOOYAS

Hongdae with Sundae gopchang

Have a unforgettable taste of Sundae gopchang at BOOYAS!
At Hongdae’s BOOYAS, they specialize in Korean Sundae gopchang (Stir-fried pork intestines and small intestines), and they have a wide selection. You can get gopchang made from Stir-fried pork intestines and small intestines, Cayenne, Mayonnaise, Lettuce, and much more. They also bring Kimchi fried rice in the shape of the heart with affordable prices.
BOOYAS | Sundae Gopchang | 홍대 순대곱창
6 p.m.–3 a.m.
T. 070-8672-5283
(410-72, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul | 서울시 마포구 서교동 410-72)
Hongdae with Sundae gopchang

Hongdae with Sundae gopchang

Hongdae with Sundae gopchang

Hongdae with Sundae gopchang

Hongdae with Sundae gopchang

Hongdae with Sundae gopchang

Hongdae with Sundae gopchang

Hongdae with Sundae gopchang

Hongdae with Sundae gopchang

Hongdae with Sundae gopchang

Hongdae with Sundae gopchang

410-72, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 

Hongdae with Makgeolli - Mowmow

Hongdae with Makgeolli

Get Your Cloudy Rice whiskey On at mowmow

At Hongdae’s mowmow, they specialize in Korean makgeolli (an alcoholic beverage made of rice), and they have a wide selection. You can get makgeolli made from buckwheat, corn, glutinous rice, black bean, scorched rice, and much more. They also bring kimchi pancakes and green onion pancakes in the shape of the Korean flag, spicy pork, acorn jelly, and even cheesy egg omelets.

Mowmow l Makgeolli Pub | Makgeolli Cafe

Cost: 8,000–15,000 won a person
Weekly days: 3 p.m.– 2 a.m.
Weekends or National Days: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m.
T. 02-333-8998
(373-4, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul | 서울시 마포구 서교동 330-39)

Hongdae with Makgeolli
Hongdae with Makgeolli

Hongdae with Makgeolli

Hongdae with Makgeolli

Hongdae with Makgeolli

Hongdae with Makgeolli

Hongdae with Makgeolli

373-4, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul
+82. 02-333-8989

2014년 11월 13일 목요일

Hongdae with Meat-ing

Hongdae with Meat-ing

Get great and delicious meat at 50g! 

At Hongdae’s 50g, they specialize in Korean meat (original Korean meat from jeju island), and they have a wide selection. This place is so delicious and famous in Hong dae area where you can find very nice and great meat out here. Amazed at the delicious smell and scent of fried pork as well as fried Kimchi with black's pork. Come and visit here to eat original Korean pork at Hongdae :D

50g | Meat-ing place 

6 p.m.–3 a.m.
Tel) 02-3144-6750
(358-40 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul | 서울시 마포구 서교동 358-40)

Hongdae with Meat-ing

Hongdae with Meat-ing

Hongdae with Meat-ing

Hongdae with Meat-ing

Hongdae with Meat-ing

Hongdae with Meat-ing

Hongdae with Meat-ing

Hongdae with Meat-ing

358-40, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea
+82) 02-3144-6750


Hongdae is a vibrant area in the northern Seoul known for its urban arts and indie music where many music bands start their career. Trazy presents the top 31 spots including restaurants, dessert shops, clubs & places to visit that you should not miss!

Bindaetteok are a very popular street food in Korea. Although many traditional versions are made with 100% mung beans, sometimes these are very difficult to keep together when making them. As this was my first time making them, I opted for the version that includes a little sweet rice that helps bind the pancakes. Many modern Korean cooks use this easier methodology.

 Keep in mind; when you dine at a restaurant, mung bean pancakes are not necessarily gluten-free unless specifically stated. Restaurants can add different types of flour to the batter – not a good thing. Additionally, dipping sauces can contain gluten. So always ask. Don’t assume.

 We enjoyed our bindaetteok with a side of kimchi and a dipping sauce made with soy sauce, toasted sesame oil, and rice wine vinegar. After Scott demonstrated making several pancakes, Gina and I took our turns practicing and perfecting bindaetteok. I’m especially grateful to Scott and Gina for the cooking lesson and the stories…what a fun and delicious way to spend the afternoon!

369-4, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 